Then, we give an explanation of two primary allocation models, wherein one is based on game theory and the other one on graph coloring theory.Besides the allocation models mentioned above, there are literatures also referring to some others, such as employing the theory of ant colony or shoal of fish into spectrum access and allocation process. The third part of this dissertation blog wedding dresses 2010 proposes a novel matching algorithm of spectrum allocation based on dresses 1std Stable Marriage Problem. According to simulation, this algorithm can converge to a deterministic point, a low cheap jeans shop computation complexity and a fast convergence speed can also be found. Furthermore, the proposed method can bring a higher satisfaction degree in the investigation of the performance of the best clothes blog whole cognitive radio networks.CSGC algorithm is a common graph coloring allocation method, which considers the difference in spectrum benefit and in spectrum interference. Furthermore it makes research in the comparison between collaborative and non-collaborative modes. However, this method has not discount wedding prom dresses considered allocation unfairness in the respect of different wedding dresses form china available spectrum number in each cognitive radio. Thus, the fourth part of this dissertation proposes a fairness algorithm combining color degree. According to computer simulation, the proposed method can have a higher fairness degree over the MSB algorithm in the condition that the two methods’total utilities should be near.
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