Friday, April 9, 2010

Department and joined several projects

I had involved the operation in Projects Department and joined several projects, including Parkside (service apartment) Renovation, City Plaza (cheap nike shoes) Renovation and new Rep. office renovation. My work scopes were including:a) To check the design drawings and coordinate with interior designer and consultants;b) To carry out materials analysis for proposing a proper material or product for project;c) To coordinate with contractor during construction period;d) To carry out site management and quality control.I had involved the operation in technical wedding dresses 2nd department of management office at Pacific Place (shopping mall) and Taikoo Shing (residential).a) To get the experience of building management on office, shopping mall and online shoes store residential;b) To accumulate experience on building defect diagnosis and development;c) To prepare budgets and work programme;d) To get to know the operation and maintenance of various building services Lacoste Polo Shirts system;e) To provide advice on fit out works;f) To make proposals for improvement works and prepare the cost estimation;g) To have meetings with Owner Committee.I had involved the chi flat iron operation in Development & Valuation Department and Leasing Department (short term).a) To make land polo shirts valuation;b) To carry out marketing research before make development and redevelopment planning;c) To have meetings with prospective tenants and propose the appropriate brands for shopping mall.
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heart rules
Words to Live by
here is my code