Communication technology, especially wireless communication technology, is developing rapidly. The shortage of spectrum resource, the increasing chi flat iron complexity of electromagnetic environment, the growing denseness of RF signals and the RF signal interference are becoming the main problems in the development of wireless communication. The spectrum resource is one of the most important strategic resources for a country. So, in order to protect, manage and utilize the limited spectrum resource efficiently, we must strengthen the spectrum resource polo shirts management. The frequency assignment and the spectrum daily maintenance are the two chi flat iron main tasks of spectrum resource management. Both of their executions depend on the result of radio monitoring, which relies on radio receivers. As a result, the radio receiver plays an important cheap ralph lauren polo shirts part in the spectrum management.Nowadays,the manufacture of monitoring receivers is mainly monopolized by the multinational companies belong to the developed countries such as chi dazzle Germany, France, America and so on. The receivers made by these companies are so expensive that we almost can’t offer for them. Today, the requirements in radio monitoring field change rapidly, the monitoring system is necessary to updates frequently. But the update of the imported monitoring products is very expensive and the procedure is complicated.